Opificio 1
Opificio 1
Fragile Geometries is a collection of photographs dedicated to the first decade of the 21st century. Captivating images, personal and evocative... Read more
visions that constitute a moving visual testimony of a decade-long odyssey in the theatre of the world; adding image to vision, dream to hallucination. We could define Mauro Sini's photography as a counterpoint of silences around a void. A silence peopled with echoes of interrupted voices, with echoes of footsteps already forgotten. His is an art of the invisible that strives to ontologise absence, or rather, a metaphysics of the ordinary: in the sense that the object - considered normal by most - is sublimated into a vision that is a feeling for affects and feelings. Mauro Sini reveals to us the emotional language of things, the unheard quiver of the non-existent, the disconsolate solitude of nothingness. Close
Digital printing on plain paper