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The Journal

fabrizio pacini owner u visionary venezia

U-Visionary Venezia, a luxurious and charming hotel near the Grand Canal, has opened its doors under the management of Fabrizio Pacini, an entrepreneur working between Rome and the Serenissima. In collaboration with architect Daniele Chiocchio, Pacini has chosen Cinquerosso Arte to curate […]

cinquerossoarte partner studio apostoli fiera tuttohotel 2025

With a prestigious partnership, Cinquerosso Arte will showcase its artworks within the Wellness Nostrum installation designed by Studio Apostoli for Tuttohotel 2025. The hospitality-focused trade fair taking place from January 20 to 22 at the Mostra d’Oltremare in Naples. Wellness Nostrum is […]

paesaggio industriale

A psychologist and lover of urban and industrial landscapes, Alessio Privitera plays with shapes and dimensions to entice the eye. Nothing is what it seems, and this requires the viewer to participate in the communicative process that the work initiates. Alessio, tell […]

copertina articolo insideout
14 - 11 - 2024

Immediate Art

Cinquerosso Arte: The non-Gallery that speaks to the eyes by Maria Giovanna Manfredi In contemporary settings, art no longer serves merely as a decorative element, but as a true tool for well-being and emotional connection. By reducing stress, stimulating creativity, and fostering […]

istallazione artistica per InOut 2024

Through an exciting artistic installation, Cinquerosso Arte explores the concept of ‘Veritas’, the keyword of InOut 2024 October 2024 – For the second consecutive year, on the occasion of InOut 2024, Cinquerosso Arte set up the indoor swimming pool area of the […]

As an artist and teacher, Alessandra Scandella seeks the unexpected that characterizes all living things in her works. She loves watercolors for this reason; their materiality, mutability, and expressiveness allow them to tell every kind of story. Alessandra, what has been your […]

astratto collage

Francesco Zurlini, never stops the creative engine. A renowned artist with a passion for abstraction, contributes his knowledge, experience, and positivity to Cinquerosso Arte. Francesco, tell us your story. I have been painting for many years, so compared to the young artists […]

corpi pittura

Illustrator and visualiser for major advertising agencies, Filippo Manfroni approached painting driven by communicating through the body, which is entrusted with the task of celebrating the search for the meaning of existence. Filippo, tell us about yourself and your relationship with painting. […]


Enrico Pelissero – I want the viewer to pause and ponder. He is a writer and expert in various expressive techniques, he believes in an art capable of conveying messages and prompting reflection. His works are sometimes meticulous and rich in detail, […]

gatti acquerello colori nude

Evolution throught small things, started after years in the fashion industry.Therefore Giulia Gray shifted her focus to art, delving into the human experience through her work. Her art is a blend of instinct and contemplation, where emotions and study intertwine with impulses […]

In Search of the Essential

As a Visual Arts teacher and artist, he is in search of the essential. Sebastiano Sallemi explores the through forms, colors, lights, and sounds. His artistic journey guided him towards embracing analytical painting, navigating through experiments and gradually simplifying his approach. Tell […]

pesci colori scuri blu opere

The artworks of Mattia Perru delve deep into the viewer’s mind, triggering emotions and thoughts that skim the surface of the unconscious. Meanwhile, the artist seeks the path towards extreme synthesis. Mattia, what is art for you? I have always approached art […]

hospitality fiera riva dl garda

This is a significant event for Cinquerosso Arte,that will exibit with its own stand: from February 5th to 8th, 2024. At Hospitality – The Hospitality Fair, to promote the artworks of its emerging artists at this historic B2B exhibition. It’s dedicated to […]

andrea rocchi

Andrea Rocchi, owner of the eponymous Interior Design studio and head of the HoReCa sector for the AIPI (Italian Association of Professional Interior Designers), is the ideal interlocutor to discuss the relationship between architecture and art in contemporary times. Can you tell […]

natura digital art

Anita Bortolotti started drawing in her house in the woods, and her source of inspiration is nature. The nature that is transfigured to the limits of the abstract, opening up to all possible interpretations. Anita, tell us about you.I’ve always had a […]

Despite his young age, Giovanni has clear ideas about his future and would like to dedicate his life to art. His works reflect an energetic, multifaceted and passionate personality, which has already taken him around the world. Giovanni, tell us about yourself […]

opera d'arte

With her gestural art, based on unpredictable trajectories and imprecise alchemy, Polina imitates the generating force of nature. She loves the idea of an ‘open’ art that can reach anywhere. Polina, tell us about your path in art.It all started quite early […]

opere in tecnica mista collage su sfondo colorato

Erika has managed to combine two great passions – art and love for others – by working in art therapy. Hers is a complex and profound world, because her art investigates and questions the mental schemes in which we all risk being […]

Son and brother of photographers, Rocco Casaluci has always lived among film, lenses and photographic paper, but also among stages and country lanes, with the clear and sharp gaze of the observer. Rocco, tell us about yourself.I was born in Salento and, […]

intervista Paolo Tamburini

Ironic, disorienting, light but not fatuous, Paolo Tamburini’s photographs are born of thought and skill and draw overlapping realities. Limpid layers of luminous revelations. How did you get into photography? Photography was my second great artistic passion. I am the son of […]

decorare con l'arte il tuo hotel

In the hospitality sector, there is an increasing awareness of how important it is to decorate hotels with art. It is not just a matter of embellishing a wall, but of creating an unforgettable stay experience for the customer. Works of art […]

Giulio Rigoni Arte Mistica

Impassive faces like Byzantine icons, constructions as precise as they are improbable, dreamlike scenes suspended in an indefinite time. Giulio Rigoni‘s mystical art awakens multitudes of memories and impressions, strictly without a reading guide. Giulio, tell us your artistic story. I studied […]

She calls herself permeable, Maria Paola Grifone. Permeable to so many stimuli, from a shadow on a wall to a news story, which she feels the need to investigate through art. Painting in order to know, then, as she explains in very […]

Buon compleanno Cinquerosso Arte

On May 5, 2022, Cinquerosso Arte’s adventure officially began. Twelve months later, we can already make an initial assessment, between expectations and perspectives. We talk about it with Francesca Fazioli, the mind and heart of the project. Francesca, thinking back to a […]

Riccardo Basaglia

Art is, for Riccardo Basaglia, a way of discovering new things. His drawings arise from the confluence of themes and cultures, but also of techniques and tools. His is a curious and open mind, as well as a creative one. The result […]

Andrea Marchesini

A free art, wandering amongst thoughts, moving from elaborated concepts to impalpable sensations. Andrea Marchesini started his journey on a large table covered in paper and is still going “somewhere, nowhere”. What is the first word that comes to mind thinking of […]

Mauro Sini fotografia

Passionate about architecture, Mauro Sini looks for essential lines, sharp and precise shapes also for his photographs. It is a study of the void, to explore following one’s inner rhythm. Mauro, how did you meet photography? I met it relatively late, when […]

stefanizzi fotografia corpo femminile

Professional photographer, specialized in fashion photography, her art undresses the female body and portrays it for its purity. Paola, tell us about your development as a photographer. I started in my teen years, while studying at the Istituto d’Arte. After school I […]

Traveller and photographer, passionate and curious, Silvia Lisotti was brought to art not by choice, but because her talent manifested itself in all its bursting evidence. Silvia, tell us about you. How and when did you start to photograph?  I am a […]

art city white night
30 - 01 - 2023

Art City White Night

During the Art City White Night, an event of  Arte Fiera 2023, the “Cinquerosso Arte, la piattaforma dei giovani artisti” event will take place, a collective exhibition of the collection of Cinquerosso Arte. In this occasion, the location in via Remorsella 5/2, […]

Franco Covi Fotografia

Professional photographer for more than thirty years, Franco Covi is always looking for new languages and new means of expression, from film to artificial intelligence. Franco, tell us about yourself. I started doing this job very young. First as an assistant, and […]


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